Pilar Martínez

Finding balance and strength

Pilar Martínez is a psychologist that offers private consultation, coaching, laughter therapy and workshops in Valencia (Spain). As a professional, she acts friendly with her clients and brings them a positive approach towards life. Her entrepreneurial and lively attitude led her to renew her image in order to keep growing both professionally and personally.



The new identity had to be capable of communicating kindness, freshness and confidence as well as being differentiating enough from the designs that other psychologists use.

Therefore a typography with rounded shapes and a very special feature was chosen: the shapes from the "z" character provide with personality and give a meaning to the logotype "Pilar listens to you".


Regarding colour, we used a peach tone that brings a sensation of lightness and friendliness. This hue is combined with black and white, two colours that let the main colour shine, making the identity more memorable.

Finally, a line is used to symbolize different psychological status. On one hand, a broken line can represent anxiety, stress or other mental issues. On the other hand, a continuous line stands for balance, strength and peace of mind. This graphic element adapts to different formats and media and can be used both as a closed or open path.


Brand applications

As part of the new branding, we implemented some of the most relevant touchpoints for Pilar Martínez.

Besides the basic stationery and e-mail signature, we also conceived a key visual for her blog “5 Minutos para ti” (5 minutes for you), a place where she shares a more personal view on the topics she is passionate about: psychology, motherhood, decoration, health, and hobbies.


Content licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Vicent Almiñana and Irene Serrano




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